Introduction one day tour in sapa | nomad trails

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Introduction one day tour in sapa | nomad trails Empty Introduction one day tour in sapa | nomad trails

Bài gửi by viboytq 13/3/2015, 21:56

Introduction one day tour in sapa
a day trip in sapa include breakfast then visit the valley then visited the highland peoples living more

you are looking for a trip to explore in Vietnam.
Our group travel axis of the northeast, northwest of.
you are looking for a trip to explore the mountain peoples north Vietnam, terraces, waterfalls

Sapa trekking, Bac Ha Market, Ha long bay, ha giang tours, dien bien tous, viet nam sapa
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Bài gửi : 3
Điểm : 3503
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Tham gia : 13/03/2015

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