Học IELTS qua những câu chuyện ngụ ngôn của Aesop!

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Học IELTS qua những câu chuyện ngụ ngôn của Aesop! Empty Học IELTS qua những câu chuyện ngụ ngôn của Aesop!

Bài gửi by thycharma 15/1/2015, 19:03

*Easy English House Guidance to improve your English Skills by reading series of Aesop Fables:
(Join us on Facebook Page named “Luyện IELTS Cấp Tốc Sài Gòn” to follow series of Aesop Fables with detailed explanation as well as various other activities to achieve the IELTS high scores)
1.       For Reading: Read the whole story at once concerning about the main meaning of story and try to guess the meaning of new vocabularies. When you complete step 1, then read it one more time thoroughly together with Vocabulary Explanation in "Hints for reading". Remember to read the story again when you have free time in another day keeping in mind that new vocabularies are stored in your memory only if you have revised them up to 10 times.
2.       For Vocabulary: Do not translate them into Vietnamese! Try to understand the vocabulary explanation in English. The section of "Hints for reading section'' is available to help you out.
3.       For Writing: try to write a sentence to state the implied moral lesson of the story. Do not be lazy or nervous about accuracy. You'll improve your writing once you start to write something! Do remember to check your grammar, structure and spelling mistakes while you produce your sentence. Then, do not forget to check the suggested answer in our next post to correct yourself!
4.        For Speaking and Listening: Find out the words that you do not know how to pronounce. You should use http://www.oxforddictionaries.com for accurate pronunciation. Then practice word by word pronunciation before read out loud the whole story with good intonation. Recording on phone or other devices may help you to check your work and correct yourself. Last but not least, summarize and retell the story to other friends or family members, try to use new vocabularies you have learned.
It sounds like a lot of jobs to do, but remember: No pain, No gain!
Hope it helps!
The First Story: The Cock and the Pearl
Present you an Aesop Fable for a thoughtful moment in a busy day. We all nurture our soul sinking in this valuable moral lesson and enjoy the magic of fairy tales.

A challenge for you: Could you write a sentence to summarize the implied moral lesson of today story?
The Cock and the Pearl
A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard
among the hens when suddenly he espied something
shinning amid the straw. ‘Ho! ho!’ quoth he, ‘that’s for
me,’ and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What
did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had
been lost in the yard? ‘You may be a treasure,’ quoth
Master Cock, ‘to men that prize you, but for me I would
rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls.’
*Easy English House hints for your reading:
1. Cock /kɒk/ (n):A male bird of any kind
2. Pearl /ˈpərl/ (n): a dense variously colored and usually lustrous concretion formed of concentric layers of nacre (Find out the picture of pearl in the below picture if you do not understand the English meaning completely)
3. Strut /strət/ (n): to walk with a proud gait
4. Hen:a female bird of any kind
5: espy /əˈspī/: to see or notice (someone or something)
6. amid /əˈmid/: in or into the middle of (something)
7. straw /strɔ:/: the dry stems of wheat and other grain plants
8. quoth /kwəʊθ/:mean “said” in phrases like quoth I, quoth he, etc.
9. root sth out (v) /ru:t/:to pull sth out
10. treasure /ˈtrɛʒə/: A quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects
11. prize(v)/prʌɪz/: to be awarded
12. barley-corn:/ˈbɑːli //kɔːn/: hardy cereal of corn
Give it a try for your own improvement!
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Tham gia : 22/12/2014

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