Tinh dầu gỗ hoàng đàn cedarwood pure essential oil

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Tinh dầu gỗ hoàng đàn cedarwood pure essential oil Empty Tinh dầu gỗ hoàng đàn cedarwood pure essential oil

Bài gửi by chisaicoi 23/12/2014, 14:42

10ml / 125.000 đ
30ml / 235.000 đ
50ml / 335.000 đ
100ml / 520.000 đ

Tinh dầu hoang dan cedarwood pure essential oil

- mùi hương của loại tinh dau tu nhien này giúp trấn tĩnh tinh thần. giảm cảm giác bất an, lo âu sợ sệt. Điều hòa thần kinh.

Tinh dầu gỗ hoàng đàn cedarwood pure essential oil Tinh-dau-chanh-thai-tinh-chat

Cedarwood oil benefits the skin by its sedating ability which relieves itching. Its astringent action is great for acne, oily skin, as well as for hair and dandruff. It helps with chest and urinary infections, acts as a general tonic and has a pronounced effect on mucus membranes.

It has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and is of great help tinh dau ngueyn chat in conditions associated with anxiety and nervous tension. It is also of value in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.

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- Địa chỉ: 738 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu-Phường 1-Quận 3- Tp HCM
- Hotline: 0982 757 667 Mr.Quyen
- Email: quyentv1989@gmail.com
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Tham gia : 23/05/2014


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