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Bài gửi by thanhbinhdl8990 29/12/2015, 15:09

Advertising is part of Activity multi-component is a promotional activity is known that advertising is superior in many cases because it has advantages over other promotional mix elements and in particular when it comes to industrial Balmazmat because the special nature of the Declaration check this superiority and advertising, unlike personal selling as it can be achieved connection on a very large scale in a very limited time occupying the ad a privileged position within the promotional mix, but that its importance in some cases that some see being synonymous to promote the word, because of the depth of the historical for this activity compared to other promotional activities within the mix. 2 And advertising art develops self-development and technical evolution that we come to it, with the great development wrought by computers in today’s world, in turn, reflected on the world of advertising and design of advertising and bringing out its development and attractiveness of thing a lot. And not advertising industry of the arts developed, but is as old as history, forms of advertising have begun evolved over the centuries until it became the art of advertising as we know it nowonline investing. 9936
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Tham gia : 25/12/2015

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