Retentionpanel high retention youtube views

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Retentionpanel high retention youtube views Empty Retentionpanel high retention youtube views

Bài gửi by AntonioGalaxy 10/5/2015, 17:52

Do you have YouTube videos that hardly get any visitors? We can help. At Retention Panel, you can easily create a campaign and start receiving views to your videos. Our YouTube views are high retention which means that the audience will watch your video for at least 60 to 90 percent of your video‘s length. Having high retention is a very important factor for ranking your videos in the search engines. When YouTube sees that your video got watched for 60-90% of the length, your video will move higher in the search results. Therefore, promoting your videos with us will not only help you get more views temporarily. Your videos could receive natural traffic, likes and engagement even after the promotion. You can also manage and track all of your campaigns on our website.

What exactly could happen when promoting my video?

Youtube may move your video on the first page of the search results after buying these views. The video that you promoted could receive a lot of traffic from Youtube keyword searches. Although this is great, you need to make sure you video is high quality and has good content. When the promotion finishes, you can end up higher in the search engines, but if your video violates the TOS or is irrelevant, your rank that you gained could fall. Be sure to not violate the TOS by posting copyright material or your video could end up being removed. Get started on promoting your video by go to to sign up.

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Tham gia : 10/05/2015

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