hydroponic plants

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hydroponic plants                          Empty hydroponic plants

Bài gửi by lonelygul3 7/5/2015, 13:27

Understanding and Explanation Plant Hydroponics) - Hydroponics (latin; hydro = water; ponos = work) is a method of farming without the use of soil media, except by using mineral nutrient solutions or other materials yangmengandung nutrients such as coconut fiber, mineral fiber, sand, broken bricks, sawdust, and other media as a substitute for soil. hydroponic plants can be done on a small scale at home as a hobby or on a large scale for commercial purposes. Some of the advantages Environmentally friendly plant because it does not use pesticides or insecticides that can damage the soil, using water only 1/20 of ordinary plants, and reduce CO2 because it does not need to use a vehicle or machinery. These plants do not damage the soil because it does not use soil media and also does not need a large place. Plant roots can check periodically to ensure its growth. Some plants are often grown hydroponically, are vegetables such as bathtub choy, broccoli, cabbage, kailan, spinach, kale, tomatoes, onions, bahkanstrowbery, etc. Thus plants often become the primary choice of the vegan / vegetarianyang very concerned about the murder of a plant if there is sentient beings, mixed chemical elements, environmental conservation and reforestation. 61876
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Tham gia : 02/05/2015

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