web camera software ....

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web camera software .... Empty web camera software ....

Bài gửi by 2tjoker 20/11/2014, 17:54

If you need maximum protection of persons or their property, in the right place. On this website you will find a multitude of products for the control of which were made by the newest, modern technologies, stealth webcam recorder. It is a wide range of security applications that require one or more of any network IP cameras or traditional analog CCTV cameras connected to the control computer. This system consists of two components: surveillance computer and PY Software web server system used for the provision of recorded video. Recorded and stored footage from connected cameras which can then reproduce a notice of motion detection sent via email or pager. This software lets you remotely access one or more computers through surveillance of Internet. It also conducts store recorded events, automated monitoring control interrupts, remote control camera .. Many Uses and everywhere else that is equally successful results. Financial institutions can install this kind of security solutions in offices. High image quality leads to easy identification of people at the box office or at the office. Ability encrypted video file provides additional proof of identity. With this program, buildings, shopping centers and parking lots are being made safer for all visitors. At night it can be used for tracking the object. In the event of unauthorized entry, motion detection can trigger recording intruders and send immediate notification of security. 96927
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Tham gia : 20/11/2014

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