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Bài gửi by dtgdcntt 13/10/2014, 15:01 The hottest looking girls, “Agreeing to report is not the same thing as saying, ‘I’ll get up on the stand and testify,’ and that conversation shouldn’t happen until much later, if it happens at all,” Dr. Brown said. Historically, many officers disbelieved the accusers or wanted to avoid hard-to-prove cases, and discouraged women from reporting rapes, she said, “so we’ve worked hard to get to this point.”Las Vegas Escorts. It is unknown how many students report sexual assaults to the police. Most occur off campus and are reported to the Tallahassee Police Department, which does not tally which accusers are students, nor does the state attorney’s office. Sixteen on-campus rapes were reported to the it police from 2011 through 2013, but those include nonstudent victims and exclude sex crimes other than rape. But records from Refuge House, a Tallahassee nonprofit group, obtained as part of an examination of the Winston case, show that in those three years, its nurses were called to hospitals to examine and counsel 63 students seeking treatment for sexual assault. Of those, 55 reported the assault to the police.
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Tham gia : 18/03/2014

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