nigerian social network

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nigerian social network Empty nigerian social network

Bài gửi by qn_csgt 6/10/2014, 10:28 Yarnme is a social utility Nigerian discussion forum was cool and interesting project chic! +5 I really wanted to say and in the end there was a lot of questions to the speakers (first as something not very much was clear in what direction the discussion will turn at all), so it may make sense to questions from the audience to move from the first part to the end !? Still a little bit strained inconsistent arguments of the parties ... Maybe it is in this, too, to create some rule !? For example, in the format of parliamentary debate: 3 clear argument on the one hand that ’beats’ the other side, and vice versa ... And then it turned out that one about oil, the other about human rights ... + will be immediately understandable to any item discussed issues on the part of law and on any policies, etc. More in another topic of discussions was a proposal to use more of the seconds, but, in my opinion, this is not necessary, since will both have all known «Vox populi» - a lot of people and someone who loudest ... One speaker from the team - at the time! PS .: Personally, my subjective opinion, if that, no offense!
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Tham gia : 06/10/2014

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