Vietnam Airlines use bigger aircrafts to overcome flight cancelation

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Vietnam Airlines use bigger aircrafts to overcome flight cancelation Empty Vietnam Airlines use bigger aircrafts to overcome flight cancelation

Bài gửi by sownlee 9/6/2014, 13:41

In the end of April 2014, Vietnam airlines (VNA) will switch to exploit larger aircrafts during holiday and travel seasons to meet the high demand of passengers.

Specifically, instead of using A321 (184 seats) VNA will use A330 (280 seats) to increase transportation passengers on Vietnam domestic flights such as from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh, from Hanoi to Danang, Hanoi to NhaTrang, Sai Gon to Nha Trang, Hue ... Also augment the number of flights between Hanoi-Can Tho, Ha Noi-Dien Bien, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City.

The delay or cancelation not only depend on the service of Vietnam airline corporation, but also depend in many other characters such as weather, flight schedule,…So checking the status of Vietnam airline flights before departure date is a good habit each passengers should do. Travelers can contact agents or direct with Vietnam airline office to know exactly about updated flight status.
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Bài gửi : 14
Điểm : 3812
Like : 0
Tham gia : 07/06/2014
Đến từ : Hanoi

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