GX 430T Desktop Printer

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GX 430T Desktop Printer Empty GX 430T Desktop Printer

Bài gửi by pjicoshop 28/3/2014, 11:08

GX 430T Desktop Printer

Choose these enhanced thermal-transfer desktop label printers for their versatility, compact design and high-resolution printing capabilities. These printers offer multiple connectivity options and fast printing speeds

+ Government
+ Healthcare
+ Manufacturing
+ Consumer Goods
+ Retail
+ Services
+ Transportation & Logistics
Used For:
+ Asset Management
+ Bag Tag
+ Document & Records Management
+ Inventory Management
+ Lab Sample Tracking
+ Receiving/Shipping
+ Reverse Logistics
+ Work-in-Process Tracking
+ Person ID & Access Control
+ Security
+ Invoices & Receipts
+ Prescription Writing
+ Compliance Labeling
+ Dietary
+ Information Labels
+ Medical Record Labeling
+ Order Labeling
+ Photo Processing Labels
+ Prescription Labeling
+ Price Labeling
+ Quality Control
+ Radiology
Quý khách vui lòng liên hệ tư vấn: Mrs. Ngân: 0903 886 262
Email: kim@ngangiang.com
ĐC: 308 Đường 3/2, P.12, Q.10, TPHCM
Cấp 1
Cấp 1

Bài gửi : 18
Điểm : 3818
Like : 0
Tham gia : 10/03/2014

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