Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất

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Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất Empty Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất

Bài gửi by ducnguye 24/6/2013, 08:41

Interior Design - nghệ thuật thiết kế nội thất là sự sắp đặt trong một không gian sao cho người ta có thể cảm nhận được sự tinh tế trong kiến trúc, màu sắc ấn tượng và ánh sáng đa chiều..

The essentials for an interior space are: utilities and the aesthetics.
The essentials for an interior space: the energy, utility use, aesthetics.
Interior Design need to be matched with the demand of the customers, for each specific job.

Decor is a department of art – also known as industrial art. Therefore, the aesthetic factor, the look and the creation of the product are very important.
Interior design requires extensive knowledge about architecture and feng shui. Thus, when you want to design a meeting room, store, showroom, shops or your house... it is a good choice to look for a professional company of interior design.
In Vietnam, the current interior design work have become professional in big cities. A lot of big foreign companies have operated well in recent years.
Interior Design is a field of art and complex techniques.
Công ty của chúng tôi bao gồm những mảng thiết kế sau:

Home Interior Design 

Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất Interior-design
Office Interior Design

Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất Interior-design2

Restaurant Bar, Spa, Café Interior design

Interior Design - Thiết kế nội thất Interior-design3

Interior Design's Project - Module 7

Module 7's showroom

83 Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho, Hanoi, VietnamTel: 84 04 37197247Email:
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