cà phê phin giấy truecoffee can packaging machine

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cà phê phin giấy truecoffee can packaging machine Empty cà phê phin giấy truecoffee can packaging machine

Bài gửi by hautran200594 26/5/2016, 16:20

Currently, the market for this Truecoffee paper filter coffee are the US, Japan, Europe, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, China ... This contributes important advantages as motivation for filter coffee Vietnam's paper exports to the world faster.
Producing, packing paper Yamanaka coffee grinders
There are 2 ways that Yamanaka performed packaged coffee products Truecoffee filter paper that you need to know, to see Truecoffee organic coffee is like.
Method 1: cà phê phin giấy truecoffee can packaging machine full automation from raw materials to finished product inputs.
Method 2: Coffee filter paper can packaging Truecoffee vending machines. Filter bag is produced in the form of filter bags and discrete, filter coffee maker filter paper bags used for packing coffee into each bag easily by hand or machine pouring coffee for small amounts. Bag used welding machines or hand presses continuous heat to weld the bag mouth. Pros: low initial investment, easy production.
Yamanaka a leading coffee brand from Japan, has shared information about the technical characteristics of the paper filter coffee bags like?
- Coffee filter paper made of paper and nonwovens: safe for health. The product does not use chemicals, user friendliness and environmental.

- Coffee filter paper handy, convenient, low cost, disposable, can enjoy a cup of coffee in pure clean anywhere. Preparation quick, just 20 seconds you have to get the desired cup of coffee.
Cấp 2
Cấp 2

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Tham gia : 29/11/2015

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