saigon pearl apartment

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saigon pearl apartment  Empty saigon pearl apartment

Bài gửi by web8it 19/8/2015, 14:45

saigon pearl for rent The 135 sqm apartment for rent Sapphire 1 building, on 3rd floor, with 3 bedrooms and bathrooms inside, fully furnished, price is 1500$. Now available.
This beautiful apartment is perfect for a nuclear family, well decorated with nice and cozy furnitures. With a nice view to the city, it will bring up an animated atmosphere of the city that never sleep. And if you want to join that dynamic journey, it takes you only few minutes to get to the downtown.
In case you have a long and tired day, just stay in the building instead. And easily enjoy the pleasure of all services and facilities here, such as: high class spa, beautiful swimming pool, huge gym, restaurant, coffee shop…etc.

saigon pearl apartment  SaigonPearlIMG_0998

Address: 292 Ung Van Khiem Str, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist, HCM City, Vietnam.
Hotline: 0902 410 300 - 0902 704 940- Tel: (84.Cool 3520 7646
website: apartment for rent in saigon pearl
Cấp 1
Cấp 1

Bài gửi : 37
Điểm : 3374
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Tham gia : 28/07/2015

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