Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia)

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Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Empty Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia)

Bài gửi by decoroutdoor 23/3/2015, 09:14

THE OUTDOOR DECOR COMPANY - With motifs garden décor with trees , mountains, waterfalls often seen in homes around the garden as wide as the garden villa. For the house with a modern architecture , the decorative style is difficult to fit , so the architect often " twist " them simpler and more flexible .
Whether designed in any style, a beautiful garden should have three factors to consider which are the materials used , transportation and arrangement of garden plants . However, in the modern garden there using materials , different layouts than traditional gardening ( rockeries , waterfalls size , trees ... ) as follows which is introduced by THE OUTDOOR DECOR COMPANY :
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Garden_planter_decor_3
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Garden_planter_decor_2
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Garden_planter_decor_4
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) 10682413_1479101839022377_1694461619782791906_o
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) 10517597_1479101759022385_8671782599353492913_o
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Logo
The Outdoor Door Company specialises in the design and distribution of a wide range of water features, planters, urns, vases plant pots and containers.
We specialise in light weight fibreglass products made in South Africa. Our products are fully guaranteed.
Our metal wall art from steel silver to rust and multi colored ,shows a 3d effect. We also manufacture customers own designs. We have a range of laser cut panels that are fitted with LED back lights.
Pure granulated metals or stone - from copper, bronze, iron, zinc, marble, sandstone, terracotta and others - are embedded into the container and taken through an accelerated aging process, resulting in an exclusive finish with the most subtle colour hues that look like you've discovered an ancient treasure.
Continuous research and development improves the already high quality of our products and leads to the introduction of innovative new designs in line with the latest trends in the industry.
We take pride in the fact that we are involved in the design of various products that are produced to the highest quality that will enhance any environment and will continually strive to attain perfection.
Related tags: Pots Perth, large pots, indoor pots
Xu hướng trang trí ngoài vườn 2015 - The DecorOutdoor Company (Australia) Pots%20perth%20fibreglass

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Bài gửi : 4
Điểm : 3405
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Tham gia : 20/03/2015

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