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keratin keratin treatment keratin for hair brazilian keratin Empty keratin keratin treatment keratin for hair brazilian keratin

Bài gửi by 1/1/2015, 11:57

From early in the morning, there was an atmosphere of excitement and tension at the Indian space agency’s mission tracking centre in Bangalore.keratin keratin treatment keratin for hair brazilian keratin. Scientists, many of them women and several of them young, were seated in front of their computer monitors tracking the progress of Mangalyaan. Giant screens above their heads fed a steady stream of data, graphics and sequence of operations. The first whoops broke out when Mangalyaan successfully fired up its liquid engine, the first in a series of critical moves to make sure that the spacecraft was able to get into the planet’s gravitational pull. Then there was an agonising 20 minutes, when Mangalyaan disappeared behind Mars and beyond contact. But there was no mistaking the moment, when the scientists all rose as one, cheered, clapped, hugged each other and exchanged high-fives - ­ confirmation that Mangalyaan was now on an elliptical orbit around Mars. After PM Modi’s congratulations, they poured out into the open and the bright sunlight, beaming as they took in the adulation. ’Thrilled to be a part of history,’ one young scientist told me. ’It’s like hitting a golf ball from Bangalore to London and getting it into the hole in one go,’ deputy operations director, BN Ramkrishna said. ’It’s got to be that precise.’ 40858
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Tham gia : 26/10/2014

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