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permanent link permanent link  Empty permanent link permanent link

Bài gửi by keogautn 1/12/2014, 06:52

[list="padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 30px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; background-color: rgb(248, 251, 252);"]
[*]The quarter is the life of man. A human life is only lived once. Have to live so far away from the mercy regret the years have lived forever, living expenses, for shame because from ignoble and dishonorable past their pain, to come down with my eyes closed hand can say all life us, all our strength, we have devoted to the cause of the most beautiful on earth, the struggle to liberate the species nguoi.Toi have a fairy tale in my life, and I try to evoke confidence fairy in the past, I believe that the sons and daughters with visible blue light of the sun at sunset will be together forever. Only thing I now know that blue light emitted from each nguoi.Cuoc life left chest is a treasure that we can not really assess all its worth. Every choice we open up the possibility to enter another world. Every waking up, the universe comes to us. How the road! So many choices! Our judgment is the only way to know which choices lead us to happiness. One option that is always present, it is the worst choice, and sometimes the most attractive. That is the choice to refuse to choose. Refusing to move forward. Refusing song.Co these days of extreme despair, and life I have to forgive each other. From the cheapening of human life so I know that glory just a lie. I do not have anything to worship outside the despair and tolerance. Please go to the ends of desperation desperate to find beautiful as a flower ...what is permanent backlink. 42065


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Tham gia : 01/12/2014

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